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They forgot the God who had saved them, who had done great deeds in Egypt, Amazing deeds in the land of Ham, Fearsome deeds at the Red Sea.

 Psalm 106:21-22



Heavenly Father,

Thank you for today and for the opportunity to reflect upon how it is you have worked in our lives.  Your Word above speaks to the short memories and lack of trust on the part of your children in the dessert as they journeyed to the promised land.  Today we pray that we each remember that your grace in our lives helps us in the most subtle of ways each day.  Even when you answer our prayers and we are thankful, we can be quick to forget.  So often when we should trust in you more, we instead go about trying to fully depend upon ourselves, which inhibits us from knowing you more. 


May each of us in this community have a relationship and journey with You that looks to find moments each day to appreciate that we can only exist with you in the present and that we need to open and allow you to draw us to those moments.  Amen

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