Finding the Best in Catholic Faith Formation
The Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve
Matthew 20:28
Dear Jesus,
To follow in Your footsteps is to follow in a life of service: service to God and service to others. Nothing in this world belongs to us. Even our very selves are Yours. So, it would be shortsighted to seek ourselves as the recipients of service. No, we must serve others, and, in doing so, serve You, because we are Yours. Work through us, dear God. Let us be Your instruments so that we may bring about Your Kingdom in our tiny corner on earth. We pray for docility to the Holy Spirit, the courage to move as He moves us and not resist His subtle, loving promptings.
In times of desolation, dear Lord, it is in service to others that we may regain Your lovely consolation. Please help make service to others a way of life for us, so that in all things, we may touch the world with Your very love. Amen.