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Finding the Best in Catholic Faith Formation
There are many ways to pray. Some are great, some are okay and some are just plain weird. What they all have in common is that God notices you doing any and all of them.
Prayer is usually not about what you want. It is about what God wants for you. Occasionally these things are the same.
Prayer is the only way to know what God wants for you. The daily act of prayer is the conversation from which answers come. The more you pray, the better you are at discerning God speaking.
What is God's unique plan for your life?
The key to becoming good at prayer and to properly discern God's will for you is to keep showing up each day by making prayer a priority.
The only way to actually know Jesus Christ, not just about Him, is through a healthy and vibrant prayer life.
We could go on and on about prayer and all it holds and has to offer us. The problem is that we would never be able to stop writing. So what we are going to do is provide you with the best content and resources about prayer that we can find.
Being Catholic provides you with so much more when it comes to growing and living a healthy and vibrant prayer life as you walk with Jesus along the path of this earthly journey.
and remember...Unless you become like a child, you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. - Matthew 18:4

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